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The Apollo 11 mission placed two men on the moon and brought them and their third crew member back to Earth safely. It was a major technological and political accomplishment.

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The Apollo 11 mission was the first mission to land humans on the moon. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the lunar surface while Michael Collins orbited above in the command module. Armstrong's famous words "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" marked a historic moment in space exploration.

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What was the Apollo 11 mission called?

Apollo 11

What was the name of the Appollo mission that went to the moon?

The Apollo mission that successfully landed astronauts on the moon was Apollo 11, in July 1969.

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Apollo 11!:)

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Apollo 1 and its crew were destroyed in a fire while still on the pad weeks before the mission was scheduled to launch. While there were changes in NASA brought about by this tragedy, there were technically no mission accomplishments as the mission never took place.

What was the name of the Apollo mission?

The Apollo mission was a series of spaceflights undertaken by NASA, with each mission being designated with a number. For example, the first successful manned mission to land on the moon was Apollo 11.

What was the name-of the Apollo mission that went to the moon?

Apollo 11

What was the name of Apollo mission that went to the moon?

Apollo 11

What year was the first manned Apollo mission?

The first manned Apollo mission was Apollo 7, launched on October 11, 1968.

Why was Apollo 11 called Apollo 11?

Apollo 11 was named after the Apollo program, which aimed to land a person on the Moon and bring them safely back to Earth. The number 11 designates that it was the eleventh mission in the Apollo program's series of lunar missions.