that it is the atmosphere of the sun and its about 2 million degrees. you can only see it during the solar eclipse love ya peace
The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere, extending millions of kilometers into space. It is most easily seen during a total solar eclipse when the bright disk of the Sun is blocked, revealing the fainter corona. The corona is much hotter than the Sun's surface, reaching temperatures of over a million degrees Celsius. It is also the source of the solar wind, a stream of charged particles that constantly flows outward from the Sun.
The outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere is the corona. It is visible during a solar eclipse as a faint, pearly white ring around the Sun. The corona is extremely hot and extends millions of kilometers into space.
The sun's atmosphere is also known as the solar corona.
It is called the corona. The middle layer is called the chromosphere.The Corona
Corona is a word used to describe the outer atmosphere of the sun, which is visible during a solar eclipse or with special instruments. The sun's corona is made up of extremely hot plasma and is much hotter than the surface of the sun itself.
The temperature of the sun's corona can reach over a million degrees Fahrenheit.
The question is imfathonable because the sun cannot leave the corona the corona is the center of the sun so the sun therefore cannot leave the sun.
The bright red halo around the visible surface of the sun is the corona, the sun's upper atmosphere. by Ashley age 9 IT CAN ALSO BE CALLED THE CHROMOSPHERE:) SABRINA AGE 14
The corona.
The outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere is the corona. It is visible during a solar eclipse as a faint, pearly white ring around the Sun. The corona is extremely hot and extends millions of kilometers into space.
During a total solar eclipse, the sun's corona is visible. The corona is the outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere and appears as a white halo extending around the dark disk of the moon blocking the sun.
Because the corona is not as bright as the other parts of the sun
the corona is much hotter than the layers of the sun that are closer to the sun's interior
The blanket of vapor around the sun is called its corona. The corona is an outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere that is only visible during a total solar eclipse or with specialized equipment.
It is called the corona of the sun.
Because the Sun's photosphere is so much brighter in visible light (most of the light the Sun's corona emits is ultraviolet). It is necessary to block the light from the Sun's photosphere to see the Sun's corona.
The faint outer atmosphere of the sun is called the corona. It is visible during a total solar eclipse as a halo of light around the sun. The corona is much hotter than the surface of the sun and extends millions of kilometers into space.
The outer layer of the sun during an eclipse shows what is called a corona. Am I close?