You cannot do anything easily because of the low gravity.
You cannot breathe so you have to wear a protective suit with an air supply.
A new moon.
moon rocks
two things that are intresting about the moon are the glow and the rocks
you cant
As far as we know, there are no living things on the moon. The harsh conditions on the moon, such as extreme temperatures, lack of atmosphere, and no liquid water, make it inhospitable for life as we know it.
The moon cant do a lot of things
you cant you cant you cant
you cant breath on the moon, can run fast, talk, walk with out space ger and helment full of oxigen, and cant jump on a trampelen or you mite jump of the moon vary low gravity. there are lots you cant do on the moon.
A new moon.
nothing you cant go to the moon or on it or in it
nothing. You cant get to the top of mt. moon
There is no oxygen.
It cant
new moon
you cant
ermm u may need to reword this the moon cant be between the earth and the moon :P