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Apollo 11 was the first

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Q: What Apollo number went on the moon?
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Which Apollo went to the moon with Buzz Aldrin?

Apollo 11 went to the moon with Buzz Aldrin.

What was the name-of the Apollo mission that went to the moon?

Apollo 11

What was the name of Apollo mission that went to the moon?

Apollo 11

What is Apollo 11's destination?

Apollo 11 went to the moon

What kind of rockets went to the moon?


Who went the moon?

12 Apollo astronauts have walked on the Moon. see Wikipedia entry for Apollo's 11-17

What happen on the Apollo 11 and Apollo 13 what were the differentces?

The Apollo 11 went to the moon and returned safely to earth. But Apollo 13, did not land on the moon, as it exploded on the way to the moon, but it returned safely.

What mission went to the moon?

Apollo 11 was first.

What was the name of the Apollo mission in which Armstrong went to the moon?

Armstrong went to the moon on Apollo 11. The command module was called Columbia, and the Lunar Module was called Eagle.

What was the last year americans went to the moon?

The last year Americans went to the moon was in 1972 during the Apollo 17 mission. This was the sixth and final manned mission to the moon in the Apollo program.

Where is the Apollo 11 going?

The Apollo 11 went o the moon and then returned to earth safely.

How did Buzz Aldrin go to the moon?

Aldrin went to the moon in the Apollo 11 spacecraft.