Dubuque, Iowa receives an average of 201 days of sunshine per year.
Iowa receives an average of around 2,600 hours of sunlight per year. This can vary depending on the specific location within the state and the weather patterns.
On average, South Carolina experiences about 12 tornadoes per year. The peak tornado season in the state usually occurs during the spring months of March, April, and May.
Yes. On average Arizona gets 4 or 5 tornadoes per year.
Yes, tornadoes can occur in Illinois. Illinois experiences an average of 54 tornadoes per year, making it one of the states with a higher tornado risk in the United States. Tornadoes can happen in any state given the right weather conditions.
Iowa typically experiences around 50 tornadoes per year. The tornado season in Iowa typically peaks during the spring and summer months.
In the 30 year period of 1981-2010 Iowa averaged about 1 tornado related death per year. However, it varies widely from year to year. Some years saw not deaths from tornadoes in that state, while in 2008 13 people died from tornadoes in Iowa, 9 of them from a single tornado.
not enough
Tornado Alley averages about 700 to 800 tornadoes per year.
In SC, we average about 25.3 tornado storms per year.
Dubuque, Iowa receives an average of 201 days of sunshine per year.
In Iowa there are 14.3 pupils per teacher. The state of Iowa spends $9872 per pupil per year in public education.
Nebraska had 37 recorded tornadoes in 2010.
Yes. Texas averages 150 tornadoes per year.
From 1990 to 2010 (for which accurate tornado records are available) Minnesota has averaged 44 tornadoes per year.
It varies from year to year, but on average Kansas gets 95 tornadoes per year.