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Betelgeuse (also known as alpha ori) is a very large star, an M supergiant. This is because it has evolved far from the state in which stars spend most of their lives, known as the main sequence. For stars on the main sequence, which includes our Sun, there is simple proportionality between size and mass, and also a simple scaling for luminosity. For evolved stars the situation is less simple. Betelgeuse is more than 1000 times larger than the Sun, and 50000 times as luminous, but only about 20 times as massive. Most of the light from Betelgeuse comes out in the infrared, however, which is very different from the Sun. One consequence of the advanced evolutionary state of Betelgeuse is that it probably was much more massive when it was on the main sequence, and has already lost a significant fraction of its mass (probably more than half) in a stellar wind.

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Beetlejuice is a red supergiant star located in the constellation of Orion. It is much larger than the sun, with a diameter estimated to be about 1,400 times that of the sun.

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