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They both relate to journeys.

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Q: How is the Honda Odyssey related to the greek mythology Odyssey?
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How is Honda odyssey related to the greek mthyology odyssey?

Honda odyssey gets its name from the Greeks

Where can you read about Greek mythology?

Try reading some of the epics, like Homer's Odyssey and the Iliad. Another good book on Greek mythology is Edith Hamilton's Mythology. See 'related links' for a good website on mythology.

How is Honda related to Greek mythology?

Its not, "Honda" is a Japanese family name, specifically the family name of the founder of the company.

Who is Hades in the Odyssey?

In the Odyssey and elsewhere in the Greek mythology Hades is the god of the underworld.

Is Penelope from Greek mythology a goddess?

She is from Greek mythology, but she's not a goddess. She is the wife of Odysseus, hero of The Odyssey.

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Where can you learn more about Greek mythology?

Try reading some classical literature such as Homer's Odyssey. For a good book on Greek/Roman mythology, I would recommend 'Mythology' by Edith Hamilton. See 'related links' for some good articles/sites.

What is a Circe in Greek mythology?

Circe was a goddess in the epicThe Odyssey.

Name some Greek-mythology stories.?

the Iliad and Odyssey

What is Odyssey from the Greek mythology's wife called?

Penelope of Ithica

Is Homer is greek mythology?

Homer was a blind poet who wrote the Odyssey and the Iliad. Both of these books had bits and pieces of Greek mythology in them.

What is polyphemus roman name?

In Greek mythology, Polyphemus is one of the Cyclopes, mentioned in Odyssey. There is another Polyphemus in Greek mythology, a Lapith who fought the Centaurs.