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Next Thursday at 3:17 EST, That's as good a guess as any. Your life, human life, all animal life or even down to bacteria? All good questions. Personal opinion. If human life continues for another 1,000 years, I will be surprised. 6 plus billion on the planet now, 9 billion by 2040 which mean 12 billion by 2100. The planet cannot support that many and we will poisen it and ourselves before that. No one wants to do what is needed to stop it so that's that. We could take practically all the animal life with us, although some small things may survive for a while. We will really have to try to get rid of everything. After a while, things will settle down and something else will come along to give it a try. It may even be something similar to us since many of the same conditions will exist as it did when we came along. Doubtful there will be anything left of us for them to notice. In the millions of years between now and then, all the earths surface will have been turned over and buried. There will still be the few things left on the moon that might be found someday, but even that is asking a lot considering the surface area of the moon. It was fun while it lasted. Too bad so sad.

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Q: When will life finish?
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