The mark for sterling silver is 925 which indicates 92.5% silver content.
What does lion hall mark mean
Silver has a purity level of 910. Hope that helps!
Antiko 800 is a German silver mark of 800/1000 silver.
It is a makers mark. I have a pair of silver earrings that have ALR 925 on them. From what I can find on the internet, it is the mark of Alphonse Louis Reis.
The 929 mark on a ring indicates that the ring is 92% silver. This helps to indicate the value of the product for sale.
No mint mark indicates that the coin was minted in Philadelphia.
it means it is real gold or silver
International Silver Company, founded in 1898 from a number of smaller silver manufacturers that specialized in silver plated tableware.
925 is the mark for sterling silver, which is 92.5% silver. The BX is probably the manufacturer's mark. The gold jewelry is gold-plated sterling silver.