Vincent Cipolla is 6' 2".
Godfather 2?
due to the dissapointing sales of godfather 2, no.
Where does the name Don come from in the Godfather?
there are no cheat 2 unlock sabu but if u have sandman,tommy dreamer,terry funk u have 2 beat all of them 2 get sabu and go to and cheat they'll tell u how 2 get him
The Godfather 2 is awesome , alot of new things , but its really short compared to the godfather 1 , i would take godfather 1 actually
godfather part 2 is better because you get to create your player.
no there is not
Godfather Part 1- 3 Oscars Godfather Part 2- 6 Oscars Godfather Part 3- Nominated 7 Oscars
mafia 2