Any where around the world, to mail paint by air is tricky.
If the paint you intend to mail is water based then it is quite easy. Just be sure the lid is on tight, is well packaged to avoid breakage and the outer package is marked appropriately. It is also best to let your Post office know that your box contains a liquid. They may wish to inspect the liquid before you mail it so don't tape it up until the posty says it is ok!
If your paint contains solvent, is chemically based or contains flammable products, then mailing paint becomes complicated. The package now becomes a Class 3 (Flammable Liquid),DG (dangerous Goods for air freight)
It must be in an approved container, approved inner and outer packaging, be marked correctly with DG symbols and weights. You must also sign a dangerous goods declaration stating what the product is, contains etc. You must provide a MSDS (material safety data sheet) and emergency contact details.
This will cost you and must be done by an approved DG shipper. Have a look in your local yellow pages for freight forwarder or packing agent. They will steer you in the right direction. Most things can be airfreighted, even explosives. But road transport will be cheaper, less paper work, almost as quick and can be packaged with less fuss.
What ever you do, don't lie about the contents of anything you mail on a declaration form. Safety first.....
Good Luck
You don't. Actually you can paint goblin mail, but that is not an armour that you can put on.You don't. Actually you can paint goblin mail, but that is not an armour that you can put on.You don't. Actually you can paint goblin mail, but that is not an armour that you can put on.You don't. Actually you can paint goblin mail, but that is not an armour that you can put on.
Yes, you can paint a design on a vinyl mailbox/post. The type of paint you would need to use is a latex exterior paint. This is the type of paint you would use on the majority of outside projects.
When you find out let me know ..I have a 70 and want to paint the hard bags to match E-mail ty
You can create your invite in Adobe Photoshop or even paint on Microsoft Paint and then save the image. Get all your friends emails and send the e-mail including the little image of the invite as an attachment.
Part of the answer will depend on if the paint is flammable or combustible. When you mail it, explain to the postmaster what it is and he will mark it accordingly. There are guidelines and recommendations for packing it which can be found on the postal services site --
Yes you can paint anything with acrylic paint?
You can paint pumpkins with acrylic paint or craft paint.
Yes, you can paint a pumpkin with acrylic paint.
Apply paint remover to paint. Allow paint to dissolve into paint remover. Wipe off resulting mixture of paint and paint remover.
Postal mail, air mail, email, electronic mail, overdue mail, early mail, late mail, dry mail, wet mail, mail in a bag, mail on the porch, mail through a slot in the door, I can go on and on.....................
Yes, you can paint on top of spray paint with other types of paint, such as acrylic or oil-based paints.