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Make a Triangular Pyramid. Place three flat to form the first triangle, then make it into a pyramid with the remaining three. (It's a tetrahedron - a four-sided figure, and all sides are equilateral triangles.)

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14y ago
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10y ago

Just use 3 of those matches or sticks to arrange into a number ' 4 ' and use the 3 left to arrange into an equilateral triangle. Put them next to each other and you'll have ''4 equilateral triangles'' from 6 equal length sticks or matches.

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14y ago

Mkae a triangle with three match sticks, take two match sticks and make another triangle, opposing the first triangle. Then put the last match stick, in the middle of one of the triangles, making two triangles in on big triangle, plus the opposing triangle.

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Q: How can you make 4 equilateral triangles from 6 equal length sticks or matches?
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How can you arrange six matches to make eight equilateral triangles-without breaking any of the matches?

Make a square (with four of the matches) and then put an x in the square (with the reamaining two) I'm sorry to spoil your trick; however, the two sticks that are used for the X are not long enough to touch the four corners of the square. In return, I will ask: How can you make 4 equilateral triangles from 6 equal length sticks or matches?

How can you create two equilateral triangles using four matchsticks?

Cross two match sticks to bisect like X and place the other two match sticks at the base of the two equilateral triangles formed .

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How can you make 4 equilateral triangles with 6 stick when the sticks are already in 2 triangles and you can only move one?

Sort of depends on how the two triangles are beforehand. One nice way to make four equilateral triangles from six matchsticks is to make a tetrahedron (a triangular pyramid).

How do you form 8 triangles from 6 sticks?

Use three sticks to form a triangle. Use the other three sticks to form an inverted triangle and place it on top of the first. You will have two large triangles and six small ones - eight triangles in all. The shape is also known as the Star of David.

Can you use 9 sticks to form 7 triangles?

yes you can

How do you make fire without tools?

Gasoline and Matches or Sticks and leafs.

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How do you build a pyramid from popsicle sticks?

You need to take some Popsicle sticks and glue them to the size of you're square. Then make 4 triangles. Cut some of the sticks down if needed. When the shapes dry, take 1 triangle and glue it vertically on to 1 side of the square. When you glue the triangles, slant them in so they connect in the middle.

What does fosforos mean in spanish?

"Fosforos" in Spanish translates to "matches" in English, referring to the small sticks used to start fires.

What is the purpose of rubbing two sticks together?

The purpose of rubbing two sticks together is to generate friction, which can create enough heat to ignite the sticks and start a fire. This method is a traditional way of starting fires without the need for matches or a lighter.