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Q: Which of the following pieces would best be expressed using chronological order?
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What is the chronological order for frame construction?

A frame story consists of someone narrating events from the past. Therefore, the frame is in the present, the body of the story is in the past, and the end frame is back to the present.

Who are some famous pop artists?

Just a few of the very greatest: Jan van Eyck, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Albrecht Durer, Pieter Bruegel, Caravaggio, Diego Velazquez, Antoine Watteau, Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso. This is not a ranking list, the names are roughly in chronological order.

What is the difference between self discipline and artistic discipline?

Self discipline is self-control, the ability to resist temptations which will sway you from following your long-term plan. It is related to uses of the word "discipline" which have to do with making people follow rules. An artistic discipline is a field of study, like painting or sculpture. It is related to uses of the word "discipline" which have to do with a course of study or action. The word "discipline" derives from the same root as "disciple", a follower. You may want to become a follower in order to pursue a particular goal, but in order to do so you must conform to the rules of such followers.

What are the distinctinve characteristics of renaissance art and architecture?

renaissance art consisted of alot of temple like characteristics such as domes. pillars were also very common. There were five pillars, or orders, that were used in the rnaissance. the tuscan order, the doric order, ionic order, corinthean order, and composite order. early renaissance architects used the ornate the most, then moved on to the simple doric during high renaissance. also, colours such as re, and beige became very prevelant.

Who are 2 famous Byzantine painters?

Duccio and CimabueFor some more see link below!Guido da Siena, a Italian Byzantine style artist, lived during the second half of the thirteenth century. He is famously known for his triptych composition, now divided into three locations. The virgin and child with six angels, the first division, is held by the South Domenico church in Siena. The second, a triangular pinnacle, held by the Benedictine convent, also of Siena, depicts the savior with two angels. The third part, with a Latin inscription with Siena's name written, Guido de Senis and dated 1221, although this is believed to be ingenuine by some, the proper date being 1281.Master of St. Francis, in Italian Maestro di S. Francesco, was an anonymous Byzantine artist with works dating 1260 to 1280. He is famously known for his panels of ten scenes, five of the Passion of Christ and five of the life of St. Francis. The importance of his work is shown with the merging of Italian art and Byzantine style. He painted the Byzantine Iconics with Italian color and ornamental forms.Margaritone d'Arezzo was known to be a popular artist of his time by the number of art pieces that survive him. Most of his work was signed, however not dated, leaving his work without chronological order. His paintings are held in the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC and in the National Gallery in, besides many others in various locations of Arezzo, his birth place.Coppo di Marco is known for two famous Byzantine pieces. The first is the frescoed St. James Chapel in Pistoria, done in the 1260s. The second, is the Madonna del Bordone which is signed and dated 1261, locate in the Chiesa dei Servi of Siena where he was a prisoner for his part in the Battle of Montaperti.