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sunsets over mountain

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Q: What would have been the most likely subject for a classical painter?
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What is the simple subject in the sentence Neither Mercury nor Pluto are as large as earth?

In your sentence "Neither Mercury nor Pluto are as large as Earth," the word, Neither, is the subject. In classical English it would read, "Neither Mercury nor Pluto is as large as Earth." However American English prefers smooth flow and tends to ignore the rules of classical grammar. It tends to have the verb take the form of the noun or nouns immediately preceding the verb. Thus, while in Classical English, the verb would be is since the subject is Neither, American English is likely to use the verb are since it immediately follows Mercury and Pluto.

What is a sentence for painter?

The painter was doing a huge project that would leave many speechless. ;)

Which of these would most likely be classifield as a subject in the humanities?


Is classical an adverb?

no because it is more descriptive, so it would be an adjective.

What does touchy subject mean?

The would be something that would likely disturb or annoy someone if you brought it up.

Who would least likely agree with Petrarch's ideas on education?

A traditionalist who believes in a strict, structured educational system focused on memorization and rote learning would likely be least likely to agree with Petrarch's humanistic ideas on education, which emphasize critical thinking, independent inquiry, and the study of classical texts.

Which of there statements would a renaissance painter most likely accept?

A painting must distinguish itself from other art forms by seeking to convey what cannot actually be seen by the human eye

How would you say the painter in french?

le peintre

What is classical Pentecostal church?

A classical Pentecostal church would be the Assembly of God Church.

Who would use a multi-position ladder?

a painter or a builder

When did van gogh start showing talent as a painter?

he became a talented painter on 1876 which was when he first painted starry night when he was younger on his free time he would always paint and then after that he just decided to become a painter