Restore it to its original condition .
by using famous greek philosophers as subject
The purpose of painting is to reduce nature as closely as possible
Take it to a Fine Arts Dealer (not your neighborhood antique shop) or a quality museum and have it professionally appraised. It might cost you a few bucks but it is worth it!
In Baroque painting Women were supposed to be buxom. The one most often mentioned in this connection was Rubens, the Flemish painter. There might have been several Italians, but only Veronese comes to my mind.
Restore it to its original condition .
Restore it to its original condition .
His health is deteriorating and he might have cancer.
find the solutipn
It was successful because of the great amount of funding by the nobles and governments. If it where not for the ideas of humanism, then their might not have bin a renaissance.
I have a notion he might have wanted to learn painting.
Look at the painting without thinking too hard about it. How does it make you feel? Study the painting and try to discover the texture that create those feelings in you.
Why would Reginald Pollack have singled out that painting in his will?
By using a classical Greek balancing technique
by using famous greek philosophers as subject
By reviving a classical Roman-style dome
William Hogarth's painting might be difficult for modern audiences to understand because the paintings attacked contemporary taste which modern audiences hold today.