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ffhtgu the weaknasses were they were poor and streangths were they liked sex

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Q: What are some weaknesses of florence during the renaissance?
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What are some services of old Florence?

During the Middle Ages, a large number of Florentines worked in the wool industry. There were also artists, writers, and merchants of great importance. This trend continued into the Renaissance, which started in such Italian cities as Florence. Today, partly because of its past, Florence is an incomparable cultural center. There is a link below to the history section of an article on Florence.

Is Venice home of Renaissance artists?

Florence is more typically known as the center of Renaissance art. It was in Florence that the rapidly-expanding wool trade strengthened the city's economy to such a degree that a whole new class of nobility, headed by the Medici family, was born. This new class of nobility had the money and leisure to sponsor some of the greatest works of Renaissance art. Without Florence, the Italian Renaissance would have been extremely different, and perhaps never happened at all.

Who were some of the important explores of the Renaissance?

Christopher Columbus was an important explorer during the Renaissance.

Most important Italian art center?

During the renaissance it would have to be Firenze (Florence). The wealthy Medici family of merchants were great patrons of the arts sponsoring some of the greatest figures in western art such as Michelangelo, Da Vinci and Raphael.

During the Renaissance?

During the Renaissance, the city was filled with some 10,000 gandolas. Venetian boaters took gandolas along the Grand Canal, as pedestrians used sidewalks on its banks.

What is chubnermudf?

i think it is some kind of food people ate during the renaissance

Where did Catherine de Medici live?

She was born in Florence in Italy and spent some of her childhood hidden in a convent. As the wife of a royal prince and later as the Queen of France, she and her suite were often going from one place to another. The châteaux that she lived in include Chaumont sur Loire, Blois, Amboise and Chenonceau.

Who were some of the rulers during the Renaissance that helped it spread?

Queen Elizabeth 1 of England

What are some inventor during Renaissance period?

Copernicus, Galileo, and Gutenberg, to name a few.

Why was the renaissance period called the renaissance period?

Renaissance is French for 'rebirth.' it is called the renaissance because it was the rebirth of the arts. Some things that were changed during this period of time include: music, sculpture, painting, architecture, printing and drama

What were some weaknesses northers had to face during civil war?

They didn't have enough led mini Ball's.

What were some of the changes brought about by the Renaissance.?

There were many things that changed during the Renaissance. Such as the art, literature, and even religion which would have never be allowed in medieval times. The Renaissance was a whole change of mind. :)