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In painting,sculpture,architecture music and stage.themes appealing to the senses and centered around the real life were popularized.Many statements from old classics and narrow beliefs based on medivial religious teachings were shacken and rejected.A scientific outlook developed among the europeans in their efforts to know the universe

Scientific discoveries of the age taught thet the earth is spherical.The knowledge about the movements of stars and planets became clear.This helped geographical explorations and discovery of new sea routes

Scientific discoveries were applied to technology.this made the industrial revolution possible

the discovery of gun powder helped the destruction of the castles of the revolting feudal lords'This weakened feudalism and resulted in the emergence of the national monarchies. The powerful national monarchies equipped themselves with naval power and created overseas empires

Many traditional statement of the church over the composition of universe were rejected.A new view about the universe developed.Thus the hold of the pope weakened,paving the way for reformation

Ins\tead of the other world.thinking in favor of the present life and human interest grew.How life in this world could be made smoth'comfortable and enjoyable was the new way of thinking.Efforts to increase wealth and eradicate poverty also started indirectly.

In art and architecture,there was substantial progress.Magnificant churches and sculptures were built in styles of ancient Rome and Greece

Short stories,poems and plays came to be written in english,italian,french,spanish and other european languages.Writing on prose became popular.printing helped the dissemination of this new literature.Instead of group loyalties.individualism grew

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Q: What are effects of the renaissance?
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The effects of Renaissance can be that the printing press had changed the society because more people became literate. Art had changed the society because art was used for architecture. The rediscovery of classical learning was also an effect. Many writers had changed they way people think. ***Maybe this website might help you. You have to scroll down and you'll see the general effects of the renaissance.

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I am not sure there were any negative effects. In fact, it was quite the opposite. After a period of time (the middle ages) when critical thinking was generally discouraged, and education was controlled by a small group of elite churchmen, the Renaissance saw a rebirth of learning and interest in such areas as science, mathematics, art and literature. In fact, most historians believe the Renaissance was a golden age for math and science. There may have been some negative effects, but if there were, they were minor compared to the thrill of the many new discoveries in that era.