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They felt both frustrated and hopeful.

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Q: How did many African American artists of the Harlem Renaissance feel about the American Dream?
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Who benifited from the Harlem Renaissance?

The people in the Harlem Renaissance were aspiring African American artists. A writer that benefited form the Harlem Renaissance was Langston Hughes. One of the major singers that benefited from the Harlem Renaissance was Ella Fitzgerald. The people in the Harlem Renaissance were aspiring black artists.

What did the Harlem renaissance accomplish?

The Harlem Renaissance was a rebirth and in some ways an establishment of African American culture. It gave African American writers, artists, and thinkers a voice and a space in American history.

The Harlem Renaissance was noteworthy for?

An outpouring of creative achievement by african american writers and artists.

How CAN you use the word Harlem Renaissance in a sentence?

African American writers and artists created books, plays, poems, and paintings.This period was known as the Harlem Renaissance.

The Harlem Renaissance can best be described as?

a period of great achievement by African-American writers, artists and performers

What year did African American artists musicians and writers launch the Harlem renaissance?

The Harlem Renaissance began in the 1920s, specifically in the year 1920. This cultural movement in the United States, focused in Harlem, New York City, was a time of great artistic and intellectual achievement for African American artists, musicians, and writers.

What literary movement that featured the emergence of many African American writers and artists during the 1920s in the US?

A literary and cultural movement in the 1920s and 1930s that featured many great African-American writers was the Harlem Renaissance. Writes such as Zora Neal Hurston, Langston Hughes, and W. E. B. DuBois came from this movement.

The Harlem Renaissance can best be described as a?

a period of great achievement by African-American writers, artists and performers

The Harlem Renaissance refers to what?

The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural and artistic movement that took place in the 1920s in the African-American community of Harlem, New York. It celebrated and showcased the talents and achievements of African-American writers, artists, musicians, and performers, and played a significant role in shaping and promoting African-American identity, culture, and pride.

What does the individual with the saxophone in the center of the picture represent in The Songs Of The Towers?

African American creativity in music and literature during the Harlem Renaissance

What is the spirit of the Harlem Renaissance?

The spirit of the Harlem Renaissance was characterized by a celebration of African American culture, creativity, and identity. It was a time of artistic and intellectual flourishing, as African American artists, writers, musicians, and thinkers used their talents to challenge racial stereotypes and advocate for social and political change. The Harlem Renaissance also emphasized the importance of pride, unity, and self-expression within the African American community.

What statements does not accurately characterize African American writers and artists of the Harlem Renaissance?

They were almost exclusively poets, believing that poetry was the "most pure" expression of African American culture.