No, Naptha is not a strong enough solvent to remove wood stain from furniture. Use a paint and stain stripper instead. They are available in environmentally friendly versions along with versions that actually work.
Very dark brown.
You will have to remove the old varnish in it and make its surface smooth with the use of a sand paper and refinish it with a lighter colored finish. You may use Linoleum for that as they are good for polishing the outdoor furniture.
For a seamless finish, apply the stain before assembling the furniture.
Primers are good for protecting against stains, wood sealer is good for soft woods, and wood stains are good for different types of wood. Semitransparent stains are meant for bare wood and semisolid is meant for ones that have previously been stained.
A espresso finish is a very dark brown that's almost black but not quite. it looks like a very dark cup of coffee with a little creamer or milk in it pretty nice in the right setup.
first remove the od finish. or you can use with chemical liquid to remove it. remove the physical surface of furniture, and than you can use wood putty to make that surface and than refinish the furniture
you cant
There really isn't a way to remove a paint thinner stain from wood furniture. You must repaint or re-stain the furniture.
Goo Gone will remove it
Very dark brown.
There are many products available to remove permanent marker from wood without ruining the finish. One product that you can use is Pledge to clean the wood.
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Just a small amount of kerosene will do the trick wipe gently around the surface after the original surface of wood is dry.
how to get clay off wood tables.
About 25 percent of table have a glossy finish that makes the wood shine. There is no one particular brand that does this. You can find this table at almost any furniture store that sells nice furniture. I myself have a broyhill table with a glossy finish with dark wood.
be more carful!!
Goo Gone will remove almost any sticky label without hurting the wood.