well if you're close enough then be honest. but ask her first what she thinks about feet cos she might get weirded out.
no it is simply what you like to do and what you like don't let anyone tell you different if you like the sculptures or if you like collecting them then it is not weird!!!
well most girls would rather be called beautiful then hot. use what comes from ur heart, lik if u think she is funny tell her tat
tell them how much you love them. then say hey do think it is weird if I am so speechless that I have absolutely nothing to say? and go from there.
Leave it up to him to tell her one way or the other. Why do you feel you should do it? Seems to me it's you that wants to ruin his relationship with his girlfriend because she's in the way. News flash! If you tell her and think that will free him up for perhaps yourself (there is no other reason for you telling his girlfriend ... you could simply move on) he will be furious and that will be the last you'd ever see of him. Personally, I hope you both get caught! Even if you don't have a boyfriend, I feel women should have the dignity to protect other women and not jump on another woman's boyfriend or husband. Proves nothing and it hurts a lot of people all the way around. Marcy
Perhaps you both have had a bit of a disagreement or you feel she isn't paying enough attention to you. When one is worried about something they can often have strange dreams, but that doesn't mean it's true. Don't borrow trouble! Start communicating with your girlfriend and talk about her feelings and yours. Communication in a relationship is more important than sex.Also... you feel insecure. Maybe she has done something that has made you feel uncomfortable or made you think your relationship is unstable. If she hasn't, maybe you need to tell her about these dreams and tell her how they bother you. If she loves you I am sure she will understand.
i think you should you should be able 2 trust your girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!
I should think that was a compliment.
tell her you think she's cute then tell her in private if you want her to be your girlfriend don't be shy!
Because you can tell right away if he or she doesnt want to be with you. They will act weird around you and try to avoid you.
ermm... i think if you tell me the meaning of implant, i can answer
Pretending to be weird is ... well, pretty strange in its own right. If it bothers you, tell her it bothers you. If she keeps doing it, dump her; clearly she doesn't really care about your feelings anyway.
You can tell if he is acting weird ,and is making this weird food or something in a pot or something, and you can tell if it smells weird. Not all poison has taste or smell. If you think some-one is trying to poison you, dont let them near anything you are going to consum.
i think its best that you don't tell him that's a little selfish
At age 13 you should not be touching your girlfriend down there period. You should tell her she needs to wash more.
Normally, if people don't like you and they think you're werid, they will say it to you face to face. If they do like you and you're weird, ist okay, because the 21st century has starten really weird, and weird people are being concidered as normal. So its really easy to tell in these days. But one more thing: if people wont talk to you, or you don't talk to them, they think you're really werid.
I think he has a girlfriend...so maybe not. But you can never tell.
No. Just tell your best friend that he is taken. It is her decision from there.