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It would depend on how hot the fire gets. If the fire burns really hot then the clay can actually melt and slump. I've seen wood firings where several pots were fired too hot and melted to the kiln shelf. It also depends on what kind of ceramic material is being burned. Stoneware can stand up to much higher temperatures than earthenware clay. But, I would say that if the whole house was left to burn with no interference then ceramic would not survive the fire no matter what type of ceramic it is.

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Q: Will ceramic survive a house fire?
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If you want to survive a house fire then you should get out. But if you wanted to get out before you complete house was on fire, then you should probably put a smoke alarm or fire extinguishers in places where you think the fires will start to produce. You can put a fire extinguisher in your kitchen if you think you will forget to put off the stove when you go somewhere. You can also put memos or notes of the numbers of the closest and nearest fire department in your neighborhood or town. Best thing is to never play with gas or flammable elements in your house or anywhere. If you have a child please inform your child about the safety measures when there is a fire or any other calamity that might happen. And always have a first aid kit together with flashlights, a battery powered radio, batteries and a meaningful supply of food and water in case you have an emergency. Please follow these steps so you can survive in any emergency or danger that will happen to you. Thank you and God Bless You Always!

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