It means our centre or bass of evolution.
Because it is
an architect
What is the salary of an architect?
Bullock Smith was the architect
architect and sculptor Gutzon Borglum
Because it is
Love is all we need!
It does nothing, due to Eevee not having a Moon Stone evolution.
No lunatone has no evolution.
Evolution is sometimes described as macro-evolution, which is the long-term evolution of an entire new species, and micro-evolution, which is largely to do with less significant evolutionary changes within a species. Many creationists accept the existence of micro-evolution, but say that macro-evolution does not occur.
It is described as waning, as opposed to waxing, when the face of the moon is getting larger.
It took thousands of years of evolution for life to adapt to the living conditions of the moon.
apic moon
Waxing moving towards a full moon.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, a French scientist, was one of the first to propose a comprehensive theory of evolution in the early 19th century. He suggested that organisms can adapt to their environment through the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
You cannot use a Moon Shard or a Moon Stone in order to evolve Eeve in Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness however you will come across a shop that will be selling three of the evolution stones as well as items called Sun Dust which will trigger Eevee's evolution into Espeon and Moon Dust which will trigger Eevee's evolution into Umbreon, you can use the Moon Dust on Eevee as soon as you have purchased it.
The Earth's moon (there are many other moons in this galaxy) is described as being in "phases."