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Mushrooms are a type of fungi instead of a basic plant. Fungi do not have chlorophyll like plants do. Therefore, they do not need sunlight to produce anything. Most mushrooms live off of the organism or area they grow on.

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Q: Why don't mushrooms need light?
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Why do mushrooms not need light to grow?

Many mushrooms need light to grow, and this includes nearly all edible types that are grown for sale in stores. It happens that the type that is most often sold, button mushrooms, is usually grown in the dark, and this variety includes Crimimi and Portobello mushrooms. Interestingly enough, however, mushrooms exposed to sunlight produce vitamin D, and this is especially true of button mushrooms. A person can get all the vitamin D needed each day by exposing a small button mushroom to sunlight for an hour or so and eating it.

Why do mushrooms grow better in the dark than in the light?

Fungus grows faster in the darkness because fungus thrives in darkness, poor aeration and growing conditions which can do harm to the plant. Pathogens are organisms or viruses that possibly can cause diseases to the root system in time. To prevent; keep area around plants clean and provide good aeration (air movement) for plants. and some light.

How do mushrooms germinate when there is a thunderstorms?

mushrooms are 95% water. Mushrooms are common after thunderstorms and storms in general because of the humidity, most mushrooms need 80% humidity or higher to grow. They do not germinate, think of it like an apple tree, the main tree is wood, mycelium is the main "tree" the apple is the "fruit of the tree, and the mushroom is the fruit of the mycelium. withhout mycelium there is no mushroom.

How do mushrooms move?

thay dont if you do see one move than your probly hulosinating

What is a good example of fungi molds mushrooms bacteria or earthworms?


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