Heat frees up and loosens an area in the body as opposed to cold which has the effect of tightening and stiffening an area. cold for instance is good to stop bruising before it gets too bad. heat on the other hand reduces bruising once it has happened.
The inflammation that often comes with arthritiscan put pressure on nerves.
Aspartame can be put in ice cream
Yes, you can put dry ice in a drink; however, you run the risk of touching it with your lips, if you put it in the glass you will be drinking from. If this happens, it will burn you, like frostbite. It is best to put it in a punchbowl, where folks will ladle out their drinks, so they don't run the risk of touching it with their skin.
Perhaps there is a nerve having pressure put on it in the vertebrae.
Put ice on it then try to peel the tar off
Heat, anti-inflammatories, and a muscle relaxer if you've got it. Like pinched nerves in the back (from disk herniations), a lot of the real pain from pinched neck nerves (which can indicate a disk problem in the cervical spine as well) comes from the muscles spasms caused by the nerve being compressed. Heat helps loosen the muscles, and allows for increased blood flow to the area to heal. If you do use cold (it does help some people, but it can irritate already sensitive nerves) use it for short periods, then add heat. What it boils down to is that the combination reduces the inflammation, relaxes the muscle spasms, and increases blood flow to promote faster healing.
The inflammation that often comes with arthritiscan put pressure on nerves.
yes! excruciating pain will put your body in survival mode AKA pass out?
Put a cold compress on it and then drain some blood. Good luck with your homework!
The heat would either melt the ice or get to the same temperature as the ice
A "pinched nerve" is a layperson's term to describe damage or injury to a nerve when it is either compressed, constricted or stretched.Nerve compression or pinching most often occurs near or within or near the spinal column where nerves emerge from the spinal cord to travel through a narrow exit point of spinal column called a neural foramin, traveling eventually to all parts of the body. At their point of exit from the spine all nerves are vulnerable to injury by compression or pinching by various soft tissue and joints of the spinal column. When a nerve is pinched or compressed near the location where it exists the spine it is radiculopathy.Nerves can also be constricted, stretched or pinched anywhere along their pathway of distribution away from the spine. This can happen when a a nerve passes over or near a bone (carpal tunnel syndrome) and is called an entrapment syndrome.Pinched nerves occur when repeated or excessive irritation or pressure is delivered to delicate nerve tissue by other tissue surrounding the nerve, like bone, cartilage, muscles or tendons. Over a period of time this pinching interferes with the ability of the nerve to carry a normal nerve message. As a result, the abnormal nerve signal results in the classic symptoms of a pinched nerve:pain,burning,tingling (paresthesia),numbnessweakness in the body part being supplied.
When in doubt, use ice. Most injuries cause swelling and inflammation of the tissues, and ice will help that. Heat is best for tired muscles.
Heat transfers to the colder object.
Put it in heat.
first put the ice cream in heat and let it melt then put it in the freezer.
It flows, by conduction, from your hand to the ice cube.
the heat is like fire,soit melts