Generally speaking, because they believe gun control does nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. The assumption is that criminals obtain guns illegally, and no amount of new laws will change this already criminal behavior.
Also, it can be seen as a conscious decision to favor certain rights over others; this is inevitable, as when two rights conflict, one must choose which has precedence. In this case, Republicans choose to prefer the guaranties of the 2nd Amendment over those from other sections of the Constitution.
Finally, there is a practical political dimension to this. The National Rifle Association is a firm supporter of very minimal gun regulation, and is a large and well-funded organization. In fact, it has been called the most effective and powerful lobby in politics. Adhering to the NRA's position is means political support (in terms of votes, money, and advertising) from the NRA.
My step-dad is republican and he is afraid that O and the dems are going to outlaw an individuals right to own hand guns and hunting rifles. My brother is a democrat and he is afraid the republicans are going to oulawt the sale of ammunition so he can't buy bullets for his hand guns and hunting rifles. He thinks we will have to hunt to feed ourselves but won't have the ammo to do so. As for me, I don't know who is going to outlaw what but I do think everything about our government is broken and the whole mess needs to be cleaned up. Maybe its time to put term limits on congressmen and senators, do away with their big salaries and cancel their healthcare and other benefits. If you want to serve your country then you do so from your own pocket and out of real patriatism. Remember, "a government of the people, by the people, for the people'? It doesn't say anything about REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRAT.
The current platform of the Republican party is overwhelmingly in opposition to unreasonable gun control, as the Second Amendment right to bear arms is an integral part of the U.S. Constitution and a primary means by which citizens can protect themselves from despotical rule of their own government.
Republicans are generally against gun control, at least to the extent where they want less gun control than Democrats.
They often feel that:
The Democratic Party is not against the Second Amendment, it is merely for gun control. The idea of gun control is that you shouldn't be allowed to own an AK, because the only reason to own an AK is to kill other people. Republicans usually charge that because Democrats are pro-gun control, that they are anti-second amendment, but those are two different things.
No republicans do not support foreign aid mainly because spending more money would put our country into a bigger deficit.
As of now, the Democrats in the US Senate lost 8 seats to the Republicans. There will be more Republicans in the Senate, now, than Democrats, meaning the the Republicans will control the Senate. They already control the House.
Generally speaking, republicans oppose gun regulation.
Obama is a Democrat. Democrats are liberal. Liberals support heavy gun control.
Yes He no longer lists his stance on this issue in his website. He was graded an F by NRA for support of gun control.
The most recent Quinnipiac University poll found that fifty-six percent of voters support the stricter gun laws passed in 2013. Fifty-four percent of unaffiliated voters and eighty-one percent of Democrats support stricter gun laws, while sixty-nine percent of Republicans oppose it.
Some but not all, same with republicans. if anyone says they do then that's being steriotypical
He dose not support gun control.
As of May 2014, Pepsi Cola has not donated money to support gun control. Pepsi Cola is known for being a conservative company, however.
Republicans gained control of Congress in 1866. Radical Republicans had the support of many Northerners who believed stricter measures should be taken against the former Confederate states. After the vicious violence in New Orleans that had killed dozens of Freedman, they supported the Radical Republicans and the Fourteenth Amendment.
No. In fact a large percentage of gun owners are Republicans and members of NRA.
no answer... But better yet. Gun controll doesn't need any questions