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every tattooed tear means one person you killed per tear

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Q: Why do Inmates Tattoo tears under there eyes?
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Related questions

How can tears can come from your eyes?

Tears come from the lachrymal glands, located under your upper eyelids.

What does a star tattoo under both eyes mean?

That you're an idiot.

Is gucci man a blood?

yes he is blood he has a tattoo of tears beside his eyes which means blood if u don't believe that...then lilwayn, bird man and the game have the same tattoo and those 3 are blood

When was With Tears in My Eyes created?

With Tears in My Eyes was created in 1945.

Why do you have tears in your eyes?

Because the tears keep our eyes wet and clean.

When was Lonesome Tears in My Eyes created?

Lonesome Tears in My Eyes was created in 1957.

Why are tears important?

If you don"t have tears your eyes will get dry and it will irritate your eyes.

What does a heart tattoo mean under the left eye?

THAT YOUR AN IDIOT FOR HAVING IT DONE! CUZ IT DAMAGES YOUR SKIN!!!Another AnswerIt may be a variation of the teardrop tattoos under the eyes. Teardrop tattoos are a sign that someone has killed, and the number of tears is the number of bodies. Sometimes is a sign of remorse, sometimes is a boast.

In tears meaning?

They can mean pain, happiness, or sadness. Or irritated eyes.

When was Dancing with Tears in My Eyes created?

Dancing with Tears in My Eyes was created on 1984-05-04.

When was Dancing with Tears in My Eyes - album - created?

Dancing with Tears in My Eyes - album - was created in 1997.

Why are your eyes leaking?

Your eyes are leaking because lack of tears. When your eyes tear its because your eyes have to let out tears this can cause your eye ball to fall out.