probably your keys anti theft chip is short circiuted try another key
Answeri got the same problem.. with a 2000 expedition... darn theft light blinks real fast and the car wont start. help!
If you mean theft system activated, it can only be reset through computer by an auto locksmith or dealer. If light flashes when key is on, theft was detected. If light is not on and you have no fuel at schrader valve on rail- you can try inertia switch for fuel.
i replaced the fuel pump and now my theft system wont work
Remove the fuse. smokingallowed say's: Removing the fuse will only erase the memory from the computer,and it will have to relearn what it should know. It will not reset the theft system. Here's how to reset the theft system. Roll the window down,(if power windows,turn the key off again)reach thru the window and try to start the car. When it don't start just leave the key on for around 20 minuets or so. If you dont leave it on long enough you will have to go through this waiting period again, but 20 mins. should do the trick. Then turn the key off for about 30 seconds, then start the car. P.S. Dont do anything electrical,like, push the brakes,open the door,mess with the radio. Just reach through the window to turn the key. I own three z24's... 97'97'99...On 2 of them('97 & '99) the theft system light will flash when it is activated and stop flasing after 20 mins. when it is reset, but the 3rd car('97) theft system light will not flash, just be lit and go off after the car is started.
If its the same as my 2001 malibu, you turn the key to the on position leave it on for about 10 mins. When the security light goes off turn the key to off. You should then be able to start the engine normally. Its the worst system ever devised.
Answeri got the same problem.. with a 2000 expedition... darn theft light blinks real fast and the car wont start. help!
my 2004 neon will not turn over after i tried to start it without the key has the computer locked me out also engine light blinks when key is on.
car wont turn over and anti-theft light blinks
my 2002 Chevy Malibu theft system is faulty if the car doesnt start whyen u first crank jit the theft light blinks and u have to wait 10 min while it flashes till it stops then turn the key of then start it what could be the problem.
(7 Ford Mustang wont start anti theft alarm wont turn off
This is normal on most vehicles.
It may be a problem with your anti-theft device. Look in your owner's manual for the procedure to reset the anti-theft system. It's a simple procedure that involves sitting in the car for ten minutes with the key on and the engine not running (since it won't start). When the anti-theft light blinks and goes off, the car should start OK.
You have a problem with passive anti theft system. If it's activated light will flash when key is powered on but will not start. It should never flash and start and engine stay on. You need an auto locksmith to check the system, key halo, module and ecu.
Hi, Depending of the year of your vehicule, the anti-theft light is located in the instrument cluster ( "theft" word flashing) or on the top of the dash, close to the defrost grill (a red light). When you turn the key to the ON position (when all the accessories are powered and the dash comes ON), when does the anti-theft light does? Does it shu down or blinks really fast? It stop blinking and go off. Got a new starter, battery is charged but still don't hear anything when turning the key to start. What can the problem be?
If you mean theft system activated, it can only be reset through computer by an auto locksmith or dealer. If light flashes when key is on, theft was detected. If light is not on and you have no fuel at schrader valve on rail- you can try inertia switch for fuel.
if you cant get your theft light will not stop flashing rapidly your car will not start,it could be your keys are bad or your transceiver is bad your best bet is to take it to the dealership and they will pin point the problem instead of you replacing un necessary parts