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Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens

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Q: Who were two of the most outspoken Radical Republicans during Reconstruction?
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Who was Radical republican leader during reconstruction?

Charles Sumner

What were the differences between the Radical and Moderate Republican Party during Reconstruction?

the moderate republicans believed that blacks should not have their rights. The radical republicans had a vision of whites and blacks living in the same community without fighting," even a hundred years later they will still have this same problem, that they solved in the 60's called the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King Jr was a key figure in this issue. Back to the 1800's they both thought they should live together without fighting.

Radical Republicans term?

Radical Republicans believed blacks were entitled to the same political rights as whites. They believed the Confederates were traitors and that they should be punished for their roles in the American Civil War. Following Lincolnâ??s assassination, they vigorously opposed President Johnsonâ??s lenient approach to the south and engaged in a fierce political battle with him.

What was one tactic the republicans used to win re election to power during reconstruction?

Lies and deceit with the help of Fox News repreatedly reminding voters that the democrats were "the party of secession"

What was one reason the republicans gained control of the southern state government during reconstruction?

African-American freed slaves in the South faced a number of struggles after the Civil War. ... During this time, the federal government also attempted to provide aid to black ... After the Civil War, Republicans took control of all Southern state .

Related questions

What were the political parties during reconstruction?

Democrats and Ex Confederate, Moderate Republicans, and Radical Republicans

What was the conflict during the radical reconstruction?

the conflict was between Jonhson and the republicans

Radical republicans passed a series of laws designed to?

Radical Republicans rewrote the Reconstruction and Force acts. These were to block blacks from being allowed to vote during elections.

Who was Andy Veto?

Andrew Johnson, because he vetoed bills passed by radical Republicans during the Reconstruction Era.

During reconstruction what was a belief of the radical republicans?

The North and South should take equal responsibility for causing the Civil War

What was the belief during the reconstruction of the radical republicans?

The North and South should take equal responsibility for causing the Civil War

What was the main goal of the Radical Republicans who served in Congress during Reconstruction?

Reconstruction had absolutely nothing to do with rebuilding Southern infrastructure that was destroyed primarily by the North. Reconstruction and the goal of the radical republicans was to re-build the political male-up of the South to "look like" the north.

What were the goals of the Radical Republicans during Reconstruction?

Radical Republicans wanted equal rights for freedmen (freed black slaves) and they also wanted a tougher stance against the south.

Who were the ultra radical Republicans?

Much of Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction came from a group of Congressmen from his own party. The group, known as the Radical Republicans, believed that the Civil War had been fought over the moral issue of slavery. The Radicals insisted that the main goal of Reconstruction should be a total restructuring of society to guarantee black people true equality.

What did radical Republicans do?

They are known to have played a part in Reconstruction and the passing of the three amendments-the 13th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, and the 15th Amendment. They had 'radical' ideas, therefore becoming known as the Radical Republicans.

Who were the Radical Republicans and why did they fail to accomplish their goals?

The radical wing of the Republican Party were termed as such because of their insistence that slavery be abolished without regard to what the consequences might be. They were in fact abolitionists. Moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats understood that an immediate end to slavery might have unpleasant social and economic consequences. During the US Civil War they demanded that the war was fought to end slavery. Moderates sought to unify the Union first and deal with slavery later.

Southern people who supported Republican policies during Reconstruction were called what?

Look up Radical Republicans and traditional Southern Democracts during Reconstruction. The Radical Republicans wanted equal rights for freed slaves and they also wanted a tougher stance against the South. They wanted to punish the South for causing the war. Hope this helps! :)