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He had two brothers. one named Emile Auguste who was born in 1872 and died 2years later. the other was called Auguste Emile who was born the year his other brother died: 1874.

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Q: Who were Henri Matisse's brothers and sisters?
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What were the names of Henri Matisse's brothers and sisters?

Henri Matisse had two younger brothers, Emile-Auguste and Auguste-Emile.

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What was Henri matisses first job?

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How many sisters and brothers did James Madison have?

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I have as many brothers as sisters but each of my sisters has only half as many sisters as brothers How many brothers and sisters are there in your family?

There are 4 brothers and 3 sister's all up. Assume your one of the brothers - hence you have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. However any one of your sisters, would have 4 brothers and 2 sisters.