Amy Adams plays Amelia Earheart in the Night of the Museum two.
Yeah, wasn't it Amy Adams?
I do know that she played Amelia Earhart in the first one.
The National Museum of American History was built to house and showcase culturally as well as historically significant items. This structure gave visitors from around the country a central location to view national treasures ranging from Presidential memorabilia to props from well known television series.
Wendy Davis plays Joan Burton Sally Pressman plays Roxy LeBlanc Kim Delaney plays Claudia Joy Holden Brigid Brannagh plays Pamela Moran Catherine Bell plays Denise Sherwood
one night in bangkok
Kristen Stewart from Twilight.(In Twilight she plays Bella Swan.)
Schroeder plays Beethoven on his piano.
Owen Wilson
Jonah hill
Rami Malek
KK is a musician who plays at the coffee shop in the museum every Saturday night.
Ben Stiller plays Larry Daley. I love his acting! Dick Van Dyke plays Cecil Fredericks, Mickey Rooney plays Gus, and Robin Williams plays Teddy Roosevelt.1
Jonas Brothers yes, they sing Love Bug in the movie
Monique Gabriela Curnen
Karen Gillan plays Amelia Pond (Amy Pond) in Doctor Who.Amy (Amelia) Pond
by the way its amelia pond not amillia and the person that plays amelia pond is called karen gillan
Eli Altherr plays for the Amelia Gladiators.
The three cupids were computer generated (cgi) figures however theit voices were supplied by Nick, Joe, and Kevin Jonas.
Amelia Clarkson and this is her first movie.