Because he was the first (and so far only) king of England to abdicate the throne, so the speech is absolutely unique.
He comes in peace; To praise King and to see if his knights are as great as he has heard To play a game
No, he was shot before he made his speech, stupid.
children living in peace was an image used by Martin Luther King Jr. in his I Have a Dream speech
He was popular because he helped African-American people get their rights.
Abraham Lincoln
that all men and women are created equally and can live in peace in one nation
Abraham Lincoln
His, "I Have a Dream Speech"
he told the american speech.
Martin Luther King Jr. gave his " I Have A Dream" speech there.i have a dream speech by martin Luther king jr.
"He" refers to the King of Great Britain: George III
King's Speech directed by Tom Hooper.
When Martin Luther King, Jr. refers to the architects of your republic, he is talking about the founder fathers of the United States. King was an African-American civil rights activist.
he felt great because he changed the wold
He was the king of great Britain during the American revolution.
malcom x