positive goes to the battery and negitive goes to a ground clamp on the frame..
Normally red or brown. The battery has a + stamped into it by the positive terminal. Follow the wires, on a modern car the positive will go to the alternator and starter. The negative wire (easier to follow) will go to the body/engine block
Neither - it's neutral !
Did you put a starter on it ? If so, Then you have put the starter wires in the wrong place are you have the big battery wire touching the small wire that goes to the starter. Recheck the wiring on the starter.
Depending on the vehichle, you may only have one wire going to the starter, which would be the positive wire from the battery. In addition to this wire, many vehicles have a wire or pair of wires going to the solenoid housing on the starter. The positive wire is a very thick, heavy wire, which usually will have a loop terminal at the end, which fits over a post on the starter, which has a nut that threads down to secure the positive wire.Often wire lengths will give you a hint as to where they should be connected, and wires frequently are bent to fit the connections. Be careful if you are guessing on where the solenoid wires connect, because a mistake could fry the solenoid.In AdditionMany vehicles may have an additional, fairly heavy wire that runs to the same post as the battery. This wire makes its way to the alternator and is the location of the charging system fuseable link.
The positive battery cable connects directly to the starter. Depending on what type of vehicle it is, the solenoid is either on the starter or on the inner fender. Power for the solenoid comes from the ignition switch. You can run a wire to the solenoid to cause the starter to engage.
You do not connect any wire from the alternator to the starter. The positive wire from the alternator should run to the positive on the battery, and the negative wire (if equipped) should run to the engine block (or any suitable ground). Most alternators are already grounded by the bolts holding them to the engine, but some do have a negative wire.
The positive goes on the large stud. The engine ground wire goes under the center starter bolt.
The negative wire is grounded.AnswerThe negative wire is grounded.
There is no ground wire. The casing of the starter itself is considered the ground. Ex. If you take a battery and use jumper cables to touch the positive lead to the wire terminal on the starter, and then touch the negative terminal to the metal casing it will spin the motor.
Any time you disengage the battery cables, it is recommended that you disconnect the negative (-) battery cable first. This will prevent your accidentally grounding the positive (+) terminal to the body of the vehicle when disconnecting it, thereby preventing damage to the above mentioned components. Follow the big / fat wire (red) positive (+) wire from the battery to the starter. The big / fat wire (red) positive (+) wire will go from the battery to the starter. The starter is located between the motor and transmission. The starter turns the fight wheel to start the engine.
Other than the obvious answer, Read the manual... you could simply follow the Battery's positive "+" wire to it. The batter connects to the starter on the positive side and to frame ground on the negative.
The positive speaker wire is a solid color, your negative wire should have a stripe on it.
Positive Cable from Battery to ground location on frame Negative to Starter Use #2 guage cable for best results Answer No. 2 You don't wire positive ground. Wire negative ground and you will forever be thankful. With a positive ground car everything, like a radio, elect fuel pump, elect fan or anything you add will have to be isolated because everything is made negative ground. You can't wire stuff made negative ground to a positive ground you get the shorts.
The starter should have two wires. The positive wire goes to the positive terminal on the battery. The ground wire can be grounded to anything that is metal.
On the car battery, the positive wire is red and the negative wire is black. If the body of the car is metal or conducts electricity, then the body of the car serves as the negative wire. The metal in the engine serves as the negative wire.
The negative should lead to the frame, block, or body. The positive will lead to the starter and fuses.The negative should lead to the frame, block, or body. The positive will lead to the starter and fuses.