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Right ventricular systole is pumping blood into the PULMONARY ARTERIES just as left ventricular systole is pumping blood into the AORTA -- both at the same time.


In right ventricular systole, the blood enters the pulmonary trunk before proceding into the pulmonary arteries.

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Q: Which vessel of the heart receives blood during the right ventricular systole?
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Which vessel receives blood during right ventricular systole?

aortaAND..pulmonary trunk

How do the valves in the aorta work?

During ventricular systole both ventricles contract, forcing the blood out of them and into another vessel. The left ventricle is the one that provides blood to the rest of the body. As it contracts, the high pressure causes the aortic semilunar valve to open, and blood travels through it to the aorta.

What is a vessel in art?

Vessel" is a terms used in art, to describe a kind of sculpture that is formed like a container. In everyday life, "vessel" has wonderful connotations too. A vessel can be a means of traveling over the water - and thus by metaphor, of traveling over the sea of emotion. A vessel can be a kind of medium through which something creative and powerful can flow - as in a "vessel for the Holy Spirit." The Chalice on the altar is a vessel.

How would sonar enable an underwater vessel to steer its way through the ocean depths?

sonar is used, to steer a vessel because sound waves are emitted around the vessel. Then the sound waves are traveled back to the vessel. If the sound waves are block by an object, it will tell the vessel.

Do muscular arteries maintain blood flow during ventricular diastole?

The structure of the various blood vessels is closely related to their function. The vessels which receive blood from the heart, the elastic arteries, have thick, strong walls to cope with the sudden high pressure produced during diastole; they contain abundant elastic material to allow stretch so that the vessel lumen may accommodate the change of volume. They also have a thick, outer coat of collagenous connective tissue whose tensile strength prevents over-distension of the elastic tissue. The elastic recoil of these elastic arteries is responsible for maintaining a continuous, though decreased, flow of blood to smaller vessels during systole.

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What weakened vessel that bulges during systole is called?

its called an anuerysm

Which vessel receives blood during right ventricular systole?

aortaAND..pulmonary trunk

What is the purpose of elastic tissue in the blood vessel walls?

Windkessel, they moderate the changes in pressure between systole and diastole

What vessel receives blood from the ulnar vein?

the brachial vein receives blood for the ulnar and radial veins.

What major vessel receives blood from the left ventricle?


What type of blood vessel is blood pressure highest in?

Blood pressure is highest in arteries, specifically in the large arteries like the aorta, as they receive blood from the heart during systole and distribute it throughout the body. This high pressure enables the blood to reach all tissues and organs efficiently.

What type of blood vessel is the coronary sinus?

is a collection of veins joined together to form a large vessel that collects blood from the myocardium of the heart. It is present in humans and other animals. It receives blood mainly from the small, middle, great and oblique cardiac veins. It also receives blood from the left marginal vein and the left posterior ventricular vein. The anterior cardiac veins drain directly into the right atrium. (Some small veins drain into any of the four chambers of the heart.) It drains into the right atrium on the posterior, inferior surface, medial to the inferior vena cava opening.

What large blood vessel receives all blood from the lower part of the body?

Inferior vena cava.

What is the major blood vessel that exits the right side of the heart?

When leaving the right ventricle during systole the blood leaves through the pulmonic semilunar valves, into the pulmonary trunk and out the right and left pulmonary arteries...heading to the lungs.

What conditions can be revealed by cardiac catheterization?

enlargement of the left ventricle; ventricular aneurysms (abnormal dilation of a blood vessel); narrowing of the aortic valve; insufficiency of the aortic or mitral valve; and septal defects

Which vessel is cannulated during heart cath?

femoral artery

When boating at night what do a red green and white light on another vessel tell you?

During nighttime transit another boat's lights show: Green - the right, or starboard side, of that vessel; Red - the left, or port side, of that vessel; White - the rear of that vessel. The vessel is heading directly toward you