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arterial anastomosis

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Q: Which surgical procedure would be used to join together two arteries?
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What type of anesthesia would be most appropriate for a surgical procedure performed on a very small area of the body?

Local anesthesia would be most appropriate for a surgical procedure performed on a very small area of the body, as in dental procedures.

What is the meaning of medical operation?

It would usually refer to a surgical procedure of some kind.

Are stitches considered surgery?

No, it would be considered a procedure, which may be part of a surgical process.

Is the lap band surgical procedure dangerous?

Any surgical procedure has the potential to be dangerous. It would be best to directly ask a health care professionl this question. Websites on this subject can sometimes be misleading and biased.

What does insurance regard an MRI as a surgical procedure or a lab test?

I don't know what your particular insurance regards it as, but if they consider it a surgical procedure, they have no idea what it is. It's very definitely a test. The only technique I can think of that might have "imaging" in it's name (the I in MRI) that would be a surgical procedure is "We cut him open and took a Polaroid picture of his innards."

What are the organs that work together in the circulatory system?

even though the arteries and veins aren't organs,they would be the heart,veins,and the arteries.

How would negligence and malpractice law apply during a surgical procedure a surgeon mistakenly leaves a surgical sponge in patient?

It would depend on the exact circumstances, but I'd imagine that leaving a surgical sponge inside a patient's body would almost certainly constitute medical malpractice.

How do you use bone up on in a sentence?

Before I begin my next surgical procedure, it would be a good idea for me to bone up on it.

How man becomes pregnant?

A man would have to have a surgical procedure to have a uterus implanted into his body so that he could nurture a developing child.

What condition would you have to need to undergo coronary artery surgery?

You will need coronary artery bypass surgery if you suffer from coronary artery disease. The procedure works by relieve angina and by grafting arteries and veins to the coronary arteries.

What body cavity would have to be opened to remove the uterus or womb?

The abdominal cavity would have to be opened to remove the uterus or womb through a surgical procedure known as a hysterectomy.