Main one is light energy. Also some heat is produced
The Empire State Building contains 3,194,547 light bulbs. so my house has like 55 light bulbs, what the hell. :P lol
it is plasma , gas and liquid
Halogen light bulbs are a type of incandescent light bulbs and are filled with a halogen gas. The halogen gas gives the bulbs a longer life than traditional incandescent bulbs because it helps redeposit the evaporated tungsten back to the filament. Halogen light bulbs are not the same thing as compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL bulbs), which have mercury inside and are often subject to state or local disposal regulations. Also, halogen light bulbs are not recyclable like CFL bulbs are.
Compact fluorescents, like their tubular fluorescent precursors, contain a small amount of mercury-typically around five milligrams. Mercury is essential to a fluorescent bulb's ability to emit light; no other element has proved as efficient.As effective as it is at enabling white light, however, mercury-sometimes called quicksilver-is also highly toxic. It is especially harmful to the brains of both fetuses and children. That's why officials have curtailed or banned its use in applications from thermometers to automotive and thermostat switches. (A single thermostat switch, still common in many homes, may contain 3,000 milligrams (0.1 ounce) of mercury, or as much as 600 compact fluorescents.)The problem comes when a bulb breaks. Mercury escapes as vapor that can be inhaled and as a fine powder that can settle into carpet and other textiles. At least one case of mercury poisoning has been linked to fluorescents: A 1987 article in Pediatricsdescribes a 23-month-old who suffered weight loss and severe rashes after a carton of eight-foot (2.4-meter) tubular bulbs broke in a play area.
It is an artificial light that works by using electricity to ionize Mercury into vapor. Because the light produced is more ultraviolet, the inside of the tube is coated with white phosphors to make the light more visible to the human eye. Fluorescent lights are more efficient than incandescent bulbs, and they are now most commonly in the form of CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs which screw into ordinary incandescent light sockets. Even the traditional fluorescent fixtures are more efficient these days than over 20 years ago, since there are now solid state ballasts which don't use a bulky transformer.
it is plasma , gas and liquid
Light is not used in light bulbs; light is created in light bulbs. From Edison to the invention of solid state devices, light bulbs were mostly incandescent. They made light by running electricity through a tungsten filament inside a glass bulb with the air removed. The filament got very very hot and emitted light waves (photons). The lack of air (oxygen) preserved the filament from burning up. The efficiency was atrocious, but they made light.
A compact fluorescent light (CFL) is a fluorescent light that is manufactured in the approximate size and shape of a standard incandescent lamp. It's got an electronic ballast (unlike the standard fluorescent lamp tube which uses a heavy wire wound ballast), and it screws into a socket and performs on the standard line voltage like that aforementioned incandescent lamp. The light emitting diode (LED) is a solid state device that converts electricity into light without heating a filament like the incandescent lamp, or ionizing a gas like the fluorescent light does.
The light bulb is pretty simple, also known as a incandescent light bulb, incandescent lamp or incandescent light globe, they are a source of electric light that works by incandescence (a general term for heat-driven light emissions which includes the simple case of black body radiation). An electric current passes through a thin filament, heating it until it produces light. The enclosing glass bulb prevents the oxygen in air from reaching the hot filament, which otherwise would be destroyed rapidly by oxidation. Incandescent bulbs are also sometimes called electric lamps, a term also applied to the original arc lamps. They are pretty simple on how they work, but weve invented new ways of lighting.Almost every news story about global warming recommends that consumers switch from incandescent light bulbs to more efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs, or CFLs. These CFl bulbs are more intercut, and harder to understand how they work for some people. But are CFLs really that good for the environment? Incandescent light bulbs use electricity to heat a filament to a white-hot state, producing light. Yet 90 percent of the energy used is wasted as heat, according to General Electric's Web site. Compact fluorescent light bulbs use electricity to excite gas within a glass tube. The gas fluoresces, producing ultraviolet light which the human eye cannot see. This UV light then reacts with mercury and a phosphorescent chemical compound inside the tube to create visible light. Because CFL bulbs do not use heat as the lighting mechanism, less energy is spent to create an equivalent amount of light.
NO. Fluorescent lights and LEDs are NOT the same thing, other than the fact that they both produce light. A fluorescent light consists of a glass tube or envelope with a powder [phosphor] coating on the inside of the glass which when "excited" by electrical energy created by current running through a gas, also inside the envelope, releases some of that energy in the form of light. An LED on the other hand is a solid state device with no tube, phosphors, or gas. It also converts electrical energy to light but by the interaction of two dissimilar electrically conductive compounds inside of a transparent or translucent plastic body.
when a fluorescent light bulb is turned on, the state in it is still gaseous state. no change of state occurs by turning it on. It functions like a CRO(search cathode ray oscilloscope). one end acts as a cathode and the other as an anode. electron beam is produced by the cathode and it moves toward the anode. on thier way to anode, electrons collide with the walls of the glass. on the inside of the glass, it is coated with such a material that when electron collides with that surface, it produces a small flash of light. when millions of electrons do that, we see a bulb turned on.
There are basically three ways electricity is converted into light: 1. A current passing through a wire causes it to get very hot and glow. This is how "old fashioned" incandescent and halogen lights work. 2. A current jumps in between two electrodes, creating an arc. Usually the arc is enclosed in an tube filled with gas that glows when the arc passes electricity through it. IN some lamps, the gas glow is the light source (mercury vapor, HID, sodium). In others, the gas glow causes a fluorescent coating to glow. 3. New technology allows solid-state devices to create light directly. This is how LEDs convert electricity into light.
Electrons can produce light when they are "excited," and jump outside their ground state, then hop back, releasing a photon of light.
Xenon is found in bright fluorescent lights. Xenon is a liquid.
Power = voltage times current, and ohm's law state's R = V / I, so the lower wattage light bulb must have the higher resistance.
Yes, chrome bulbs in automobiles are legal. Chrome bulbs offer a simple way to enhance the look of your car and are not restricted in any state.