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The Caspian Sea

The Aral Sea

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Q: Which sea is surrounded by land?
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Related questions

What sea in Europe is completely surrounded by land?

Caspian Sea

What sea is land-locked?

is when a land is surrounded by a body of water

Is Caspian Sea surrounded by land?

Yes, it is.

What is a body of saltwater surrounded by land called?

A body of saltwater surrounded by land is called a sea.

What is a large body of ocean water that is partly surrounded by land?

a sea

How is the Caspian sea similar to the Black Sea?

It is completely surrounded by land

What is a country called that is surrounded by land and has no sea port?

Land bound Country.

What is a body of water that completely surrounded by land?

That is a lake, or a sea.

Romania surrounded by Black Sea?

no- not close. Romania is not an island. It is mostly surrounded by land. It does have a relatively small East coast on the Black Sea.

What is the name for any land in the sea. this is a crosswrd clue?

The term for land in the sea is "island." It refers to a piece of land surrounded by water.

What is a part of an ocean that is surrounded by land?

The part of ocean surrounded by land is either a country or island. Idiot. a country or island is a part of land surrounded by water. this question is what is a part of an ocean that is surrounded by land. I believe that is either bay or cove. hello, isn't it a peninsula?

Does landlocked mean a piece of land is surrounded by land or surrounded by water?

Landlocked means "locked in by land" -- having no border on the ocean or a sea. Countries that are landlocked have no seaports, except those on rivers that lead to the sea through other countries. This is sometimes unclear when there are large inland lakes or seas, or when a narrow strait or estuary connects to the sea.