A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard (e.g. flood, tornado, volcanic eruption, earthquake or landslide) that effects the environment and leads to financial, environmental and/or human losses.
the moon is a natural satellite of the earth
This is in the mantle or upper mantle.
Yes, Earth does spin faster than Mercury.For more details, visit this NASA site:http:/www.nasa.gov/worldbook/mercury_worldbook.html
Wood comes from a tree. Trees are natural to the earth, therefore, they are an earth material.
The earthquake in Chile.
they kill people
earth eqake
There are no natural disasters upon Neptune, because it is implicitly understood that natural disasters only refer to Earth. Neptune is tectonically dead, but has high winds in its gaseous atmosphere, if you count that as a natural disaster.
by an earth quick and a tsunami an the nuclear plant
Mining is not considered a natural disaster. It is a human activity that involves the extraction of resources from the earth, which can have environmental impacts if not managed properly. Natural disasters are events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods that occur due to natural processes.
Yes, a volcano eruption is considered a natural disaster because it is a sudden and catastrophic event caused by natural forces, such as the movement of tectonic plates or the buildup of pressure within the Earth's crust.
Yes, a sinkhole is considered a natural disaster. It is a sudden and often unpredictable event where the ground collapses, creating a depression or hole in the earth's surface. Sinkholes can occur due to various natural processes such as erosion, underground water flow, or volcanic activity.
By Natural disaster? or by the people? It is possible. Any place on earth can virtually be destroyed.
shaking of the material such as magma under the surface of the earth
Consider the meaning of the phrase "natural disaster". The second half the phrase - disaster - insinuates that it must cause considerable damage or else be undesirable to humans. Drought fits that description very well. It is capable of devastating crops and causing famines. The first half of the word - natural - tells us that it must not be caused by humans, but must be a result of the Earth's natural cycles. Although humans may have a slight effect on droughts, their effect is negligible, and droughts are a part of the natural cycles of the Earth. Therefore, droughts are certainly a natural disaster.
No, tornadoes are not the fastest wind on Earth. The fastest winds on Earth are found in weather phenomena such as jet streams and hurricanes. Tornadoes can have extremely high wind speeds, but they are localized and short-lived compared to other weather events.