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pressure point

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Q: Where is the superficial pulse point that may be readily palpated?
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What two sites can a central pulse be palpated?

Femoral and carotid

What pulses can be palpated in the wrist?

Only one pulse is found near the wrist, this is called the radial pulse.

What is the artery palpated in front of the ear?

In the human, the superficial temporal artery is the major artery of the head. You palpate, or feel for the pulse, of this artery about one inch in front of the ear. The easy way to find it is to put on a pair of glasses (sunglasses will do) and it is just under the earpiece just in front of the ear.

Where is the dorsalis pedis pulse location?

The dorsalis pedis artery pulse can be palpated readily lateral to the extensor hallucis longus tendon (or medially to the extensor digitorum tendons) on the dorsal surface of the foot, distal to the dorsal most prominence of the navicular bone which serves as a reliable landmark for palpation.

Name of the thumb pulse?

The neck pulse is the corotid pulse; the wrist pulse is the radial pulse; the arm pulse is the brachial pulse. it seems that the pulses are named according to the artery palpated; therefore, your thumb pulse must be your princeps pollicis pulse. this is an educated guess.

What artery is palpated during adult CPR?

For lay CPR, no pulse check is required.

Define pulse and list factors that affect pulse rate?

MEANING OF PULSE pulse is the rhythmical throbbing of artaries produced by the regular contraction of the heart, especially as palpated at the wrist or in the neck.. THE 3 FACTORS ARE: fitness,age and, you heart

What is the pulse amplitude?

The rhythmical throbbing of arteries produced by the regular contractions of the heart, especially as palpated at the wrist or in the neck

Where is the temporal pulse?

The temporal pulse is located on the temple directly in front of the ear (superficial temporal artery).

Why take the pulse at the Superficial temporal artery?

to exclude temporal arteriitis