it is located under the passenger side of the truck and is near the right lower control arm. It looks like a large cylynder with another smaller one attached to it. There are three bolts that hold it on, the bottom is easily accessable but the others arent as easy.
The 2004 Ford Ranger starter is located on the right hand side of the engine. The starter will be at the back of the engine.
The 1992 Ford Ranger ICM is located on the firewall in the engine compartment. The ICM will be on the drivers side of the firewall.
The starter is usually located on the passenger side, under and to the rear of the engine where it bolts up to the flywheel housing. You will recognize it by the red cable and small wire that connect to it. Good luck
The 1998 Ford Escort starter motor is located on the rear of the engine. The starter motor will be on the right hand side, near the bottom of the motor.
All of the late-model Ford Rangers have a starter with a solenoid, and the older models have a remote starter solenoid. Both are covered. The remote starter solenoid is located on the passenger-side fenderwell. This means that a small-sized starter can fit in tighter locations. It also allows for a cheaper repair if just the solenoid goes bad.
95-105 Ft. lbs.
it is located on the side of the stater it will come when you remove the starter
on your starter which should be next to the oil pan on the underside of your truck
on top of your steering collum.
The power distribution box ( which is " live " ) is located in the engine compartment on the drivers side in a 2004 Ford Ranger
According to the 2004 Ford Ranger Owner Guide it's under the right side of the glovebox , above the carpet
It should be attached to the short positive battery cable.
Should be bolted to the left fender.
The fuel pump on a 91 Ford Ranger is controlled by the starter fuse and relay. This relay is located under the hood. It will be located by the fender on the drivers side.
Bottom side of engine.
where is the tensioner for the serpentine belt on a 2004 ford ranger
It's located with the MAF
Probably at the rear lower end of engine--follow the + battery cable