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Fuel Pump Is In Fuel Tank. This Is Not A Do It At Home Project Suggest Take It To A Garrage. If Not; Be Sure To Disconnect Battery. Raise Rear Of Car, Making Sure That It Is Safe To Work Around And Under. Siphon Gasoline From Tank If You Can. Remove Tank, Careful With Wiring; Remove Old Pump From Tank Suggest You Have New One With You. Note Position Of Sender And Pump. Install As Directed. Reverse All Put In Gasoline. ONE OTHER THING NO FLAME OR SMOKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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18y ago
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10y ago

Remove the Power Steering hose. Remove the power steering belt. Remove the power steering pump retaining bolts. Reverse the process to install the new power steering pump on your 1985 Oldsmobile Cutlass.

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14y ago

The pump is an electric unit mounted inside the fuel tank together with the sending unit for the fuel gauge. You have to drop the tank to remove it.

Try to get most of the fuel out of the tank before dropping down the tank. Pull the fuel pump fuse and crank the engine over a few times to empty the gas lines. Use a tranny jack to support the tank and unbolt the two straps that hold it in place. Once you lower the tank a little bit you should have access to the place on top where the lines connect. Be careful disconnecting lines - if you break any of the little tubes they go onto you might have to replace the whole sending unit. Follow the pump wires away from the tank to find the electrical connector - it's about a foot away.

Once the lines and the electrical connector are disconnected you can drop the tank all the way and take it out from under the truck. To remove the sending unit you need to turn the lock ring so that the ring tabs align with slots in the collar and the ring pops out. It's just like a can lid - lefty-loosey. Be prepared for a bunch of rust there and have penetrating oil ready. There are special wrenches for this ring, but you can make do with a punch or flat blade screwdriver and a hammer.

When the ring is off you can pull out the unit. The fuel pump is attached with a small bit of hose. Be careful not to bend the ring at the bottom too much - it's flimsy.

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17y ago

I am no expert but it is pretty simple to locate, it is on the driver side directly behind the cab bolted to the frame. it should simply be a matter of matching hoses and wires and plug and play.

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9y ago

It's located in the fuel tank, and, You need to go to a car parts store, and get a repair manual for your car. They cost about $16.00 Or, go to a Public Library.

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9y ago

The gas tank must be removed from the vehicle. The fuel pump is located inside the tank and can only be accesed after remeoval of the tank. You will find it on the top of the tank.

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19y ago

it is inside the gas tank you need to remove tank

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17y ago

Drop the gas tank and replace the fuel pump. It is on top of the fuel tank.

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19y ago

In the fuel tank

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