Take it to an a/c man. He has the knowledge and tools to do it.
The exact location of the transmission modulator valve on your Ford Mustang is dependent upon the year of the Mustang. Most of the time the transmission modulator valve will be on the back of the transmission.
According to the 2003 Ford Focus Owner Guide ( North America ) ( 5W-20 )
solenoid 2 valve ford focus
where is the pvc valve on a 2002 ford focus dual overhead cam ztec 2.0
where is the suction recharge value on a 200 ford focus
its on the side of the evaporator, back of bulkhead
On a 1999 Ford Windstar, the expansion valve is located just inside the rear hatch of the rear panel on the driver's side. It is connected to the rear evaporator core.
it is located in the valve cover
The EGR Valve is located in the engine compartment on the Ford Focus. The EGR Valve is set almost dead center into the top of the motor. The EGR Valve looks like a small carburetor with caps on the top and sides.
It is located behind the motor on the firewall.
behind the intake manifold
The AC recharge valve for a 2003 Ford Focus with a Zetec engine is near the firewall. It is the larger of the two lines going to the compressor.
There is no expansion valve. There is an orifice tue. It is located in the inlet tube of the evaporator core.