First I will describe the CMP sensor location, then at the bottom of this post tell you how to get there, ok? The how to get thre directions are from a 2001, but so similar as to be the same.
The CMP, or Cam Position Sensor, senses TDC on the number 1 cylinder on the 6 cyl 2.7 Optima and the 4 cyl 2.4. What this means to you..on the v6 you are going to have to remove the plastic shroud and surge tank from the engine, as the number 1 cyl is the top left facing the engine from the front. Luckily, it is mounted on the cyl head so once you get to it its a piece of cake. One bolt to secure it to the engine and a plug at the other end.
While you are in there, replace the surge tank gasket and check all vacuum hoses for leaks or cracking, as this is the best opportunity you will have to do anything under the surge tank. Check the wiring going to your injectors and the connections, pull your PCV valve and clean it with carb cleaner, etc. This is a great time to replace your plugs and wire set if you are going to keep the car, trust me unless you are inclined, you will not want to do this again...not hard, just about 2 hrs the first time.
To know you are removing the right part, just search 2003 optima crankshaft pos sensor and you will find some photos.
01)Remove the oil filler cap.
02)Remove the (4) bolts holding the engine cover in place.
The front 3 wires and plugs should be accessible at this point. These are the easy ones. Feel free to replace them now.
Now for the back 3. In order to get to the back 3 plugs and wires you need to remove the intake manifold (air surge by Kia's phrasing) completely. I thought it was a lengthy process and the dealer explained it would take 3.5 hours of labor by a professional. You will be surprised at how easy this is.
03) Remove the air intake hose from the air filter housing side and the throttle body side. There is a hose which leads to a pipe on the engine. Be sure to remove this on the engine side. There is no clamp on this hose. Place the air hose to the side out of the way.
04) Remove the 2 bolts (should be 10mm) holding the throttle linkage cable brackets on the front side of the engine.
05) Remove the 2 botls (should be 10mm) holding the placement bracket for the breather hose (will be a short foot long hose connecting the front side of the engine to the back side. There are clamps on the hose.) Remove of the hose isn't necessary but it does get it out of the way so I would recommend removing the hose as well.
06) Remove the 3 bolts on the front of the intake manifold. 12mm
07) Remove the 2 longer bolts from the top of the intake manifold 12mm
08) remove the two nuts on the outer ends of the intake manifold. 12mm.
Also ensure the electrical connectors on the throttle body housing are disconnected, there should be 2.
Now here's where it gets tricky. The following is all done on the back side of the manifold/throttle body linkage area.
09) On the rear passenger side of the intake manifold there is a bolt, 10mm. Remove it. This will probably also have a grounded line attached to it. this is a bracket for some fuel hoses.
10) Below that you will find a 12mm bolt, remember it but don't remove it just yet.
11) There are 2 bolts holding the throttle body linkage bracket. Remove those and place the linkage out of the way. Next part gets kind of tight.
12) The 12mm bolt you found before, remove it. Directly in line with that bolt going from passenger side to driver side should be 2 more bolts evenly spaced. You will need to remove these bolts. Best way for me for the 2 other bolts was to work from the driver side as it provided more room.
Once those bolts are removed, the intake manifold should come right off. Place it to the side, replace your plugs and wires and installation is opposite of removal.
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My 2003 KIA Optima car will not start and my battery is drained after charging it... When I tried to start it again I here no clicks or noise....Need to know where is the starter located on the car...
the lamba sensor is located inside the maifold
Drivers side engine compartment towards bottom of vehicle. follow steering shaft towards headlights power steering pump and gearbox are down there together.
You must replace entire axle.
The crankshaft sensor on a 2 door Honda Accord with a 3L V6 engine is located on the side of the engine, near the oil filter. It screws into the side of the block and outputs the loading of the crankshaft to the vehicle's computer.
where is the crank position sensor located on 2003 kia Rio 1.8
It is in the oil pan. Nissan has had a recall to reprogram the sensor. They may have to replace the sensor for free. It cost about $600 for repair.
Rear top of transmission case near drive shaft output.
Engine type ??????????
At the end of the throttle shaft. One end has the throttle cables attached to it, the other drives the TPS.
where is the speed sensor located on 2003 Toyota matrix
where is temp sensor located for 2003 Hondaaccord lx
on the output shaft of the transmission, close to where the drive shaft enters
on a 01 optima its on the bottom of the transmission behind the drip pan (really). likely the same on a 03.
The IAT sensor, on your 2003 Mitsubishi outlander, is located behind the dashboard. The sensor is on the drivers side of the vehicle.
how to replace the crankshaft position sensor located in a 2003 kia rio