3% is fresh, but 1% is for drinking.
Lakes and possibly mountain streams (if they qualify as "bodies of water") could be the source of your drinking water.
Answer Drinking water is good for you. Salt water is salty but it makes you drink a lot. Answer Drinking ocean water is not reccommended. It is not very clean, so you could get ill from it. Also, because it is so salty, it can cause problems for your body. Your body needs water with much less salt in it
Because the water we get is from the reservoir. A reservoir is a reserved lake for tap water and drinking.
Japan is an island which means it is surrounded by water. Yes, Tokyo has water and one of the largest ports in the world.
Tokyo Bay (North Pacific Ocean).
Drinking water that is not clean
Yes. Gastoenteritis is in our drinking water.
Toyohashi, Yokohama, Tokyo, Kamaishi, and Kushiro are all Surrounded by The Pacific Ocean; with a slight Cross Current northward from the Philippine Sea.
What the heck. Gourmet drinking water I'm quite fin with normal drinking water. wierdo911
They Get their drinking water by underground and pump it out of the ground to get the water that is needed
Problem drinking cuts across all levels of society, according to the latest study by the Leisure Development Research Centre in Tokyo.
They study rocks. Not drinking water.
You can not get HIV from drinking from a water fountain.
For long term drinking water storage
Drinking water does burn calories and drinking an 8-ounce glass of cold water burns 9.25 calories more than drinking room temperature water.