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Behr Paint is sold in Home Depot stores, which are quite common throughout the United States. Behr paint can also found at some local hardware stores. It is also reported to have been sold at some Lowe's stores and Walmart stores as well.

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At a local hardware store

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I see Valspar in many hardware stores.

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Q: Where can you buy Glidden paint?
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What is Glidden paint color on 2012 commercial?

In the Glidden paint commercials there are several pain colors displayed. You can go to a Glidden store of distribution center and look at the color sample to find the name of the exact color.

Where is glidden paint manufactured?

Glidden Paint is made at these locations across the United States: · Reading, Pennsylvania · Oakwood, Georgia · Carrollton, Texas · Riverside, California · Huron, Ohio

Are Ralph Lauren paint colors mixed in Glidden paint?

Ralph Lauren paints are made by ICI/Glidden, which is owned by AzkoNobel. Their colors can be mixed in any paint. Just bring a sample of the color to the paint store, and they should be able to match it.

What paint company makes the paint color dapper tan?

Glidden makes Dapper Tan.

Who sings 2011 glidden paint commercial song?

The song is called Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra.

Who sings the jingle in the glidden paint commercial?

Earth Wind and Fire - Shining Star

Who invented spred satin?

Paul A. Blachman at the Glidden Paint Co. in Reading Penna.

What is the wall color in the new 2012 glidden paint with primer commercial?

I am looking for the same color.

Who sings the glidden paint sommercial theme song?

Earth Wind and Fire - Shining Star

Do you stock Glidden pro4400 low sheen eggshell int latex?

No, this is a Q&A site, not a paint store.

Who sings the song for the glidden paint commercial 2011?

"Mr. Blue Sky" by ELO (electric light orchestra)