Depending on the engine. On a 4.6 Liter V8 there are 4 sensors 2 upstream and 2 downstream. The 2 upstream sensor's are located before the catalytic converters one on the left side pipe and one on the right side pipe. The 2 down stream sensors are located behind the catalytic converters one on the left side pipe and. one on the right side pipe. The best way to change these is to have the car on a hoist. I have changed mine using a floor jack and jack stands, it's a little tight but you can change them that way.
That depends on the engine type but all O2 sensors are located pre and post catalytic converter. Check your exhaust pipe/s if one cat is used then follow the exhaust tube toward the engine and you should find one, the other is after the cat. if two cats are used there will be 4 O2 sensors in the same configuration.
There are 4 two before the cats and two after. Trust me I own a 94 Ford Thunderbird 4.6 v8
As far as I know they can not be cleaned. Must be replaced.
You need bushings in the bottom door hinge. You might have to remove the finder to get to it. You might trying to go to a you pull it and find a good hinge from a 89 to 97 Thunderbird or Cougar. It would be less work.
You didn't say if it was a 6 cylinder or an 8 cylinder but it doesn't really matter because all the O2 sensors are located in the exhaust sytem and can be seen and replaced from under the vehicle.
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My 1995 Ford Explorer with 4.0 L OHV has 2 oxygen sensors (Helpfull)
two one on each manifold
On a 1995 Ford Explorer : There are ( 2 ) oxygen sensors ( I believe there is one sensor in the outlet of each exhaust manifold )
Where are the vacuum hoses on a 1995 ford thunderbird 4.6l engine?
A 1995 Ford Thunderbird is OBD I , EEC IV
There are two. a pre-cat sensor and one further down on the exhaust.
For a 1995 Ford Thunderbird , 4.6 : I believe that is rated at ( 205 horsepower from the factory )
how much hp does 1995 ford thunderbird have
That would depend on what year of Ford Explorer and which engine you have ( my 1995 Ford Explorer with the 4.0 liter OHV , V6 engine has ( 2 oxygen sensors )
in the trunk
where are the oxygen sensors on a 2004 ford escape with a 3.0 engine