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Depending on the engine. On a 4.6 Liter V8 there are 4 sensors 2 upstream and 2 downstream. The 2 upstream sensor's are located before the catalytic converters one on the left side pipe and one on the right side pipe. The 2 down stream sensors are located behind the catalytic converters one on the left side pipe and. one on the right side pipe. The best way to change these is to have the car on a hoist. I have changed mine using a floor jack and jack stands, it's a little tight but you can change them that way.

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11y ago
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17y ago

That depends on the engine type but all O2 sensors are located pre and post catalytic converter. Check your exhaust pipe/s if one cat is used then follow the exhaust tube toward the engine and you should find one, the other is after the cat. if two cats are used there will be 4 O2 sensors in the same configuration.

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14y ago

There are 4 two before the cats and two after. Trust me I own a 94 Ford Thunderbird 4.6 v8

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