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Usually night.

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Q: When its day time in the US is it day time or night time in china?
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we won't be organised what is happening when at what time in the day or night

How does rotation affects us?

it gives us our day and night time. When the earth rotates it 'makes' day on the side which faces the sun and night on the side which is in shadow.

The motion of the earth that gives us night and day is called?

The revolution of Earth gives us day and night. This is when the Earth rotates on its axis, changing the time of day, as well as the seasons.

When it is night time for us it is day time for people on the other side of the earth true or false?


Is taking mushrooms better in the day or night?

Night time is more of a spiritual and psychologically eye-opening experience. Day time is more blending with nature, but I'd go with night as many do - it's a strongly introverted experience and most of us turn inward at night. It's our nature.

Is the us open played at night?

The US Open has both Day and Night games.

Is it night in Russia if it is day in the US?

Russia is divided into multiple time zones, but it is past the IDL(International Date Line) So Russia is a day, usually 12 hours ahead of us. So yes, it is Day if it's night here or vice versa.

Chicago is what time in China?

Chicago is a city in the US, nor does China refer to it as a time

How does day and night occour?

The earth turning around on its axis, gives us day and night.

How many day does it take to send a letter from China to US?

how many days does it take to send a letter from US to China?

Does the moon have anything to do with day and night?

yes it have to do something about day and night . The moon give us the moonlight.

What does the rainforest do for us every day?

its provides us oxygen ever night and ever day