Cars started using ignitions keys with chips in the mid 90's. From 1995 and after many vehicles were made with ignitions that required chips in the key to operate.
They do have ignition keys. You must have the key on your person for the start button to work.
bad ignition or you have a serious short.
You will need to take proof of ownership or registration to a buick dealer, along with the vin number, but they should be able to get it off the registration. Now If the car has ever had the ignition replaced it might not work. I acutally lost the keys to my Avalon in a drunkin stuper, which was a good thing, and had to got to the dealership and do this
You can back up to it with a tow truck and tow it away
Sounds like your battery was weak to start with. What you did should not have caused any problems if your battery was in good condition so without seeing it, I think you should remove your battery and have your battery charged and load tested.
If it's the factory fit one, using transponder chips in the ignition keys, then for all practical purposes, you can't.
By making the ignition think that the object(s) you are using are the actual keys. Good luck - Call a locksmith.
They do have ignition keys. You must have the key on your person for the start button to work.
The same thing just happened to my '94 z28 and it was the key ignition lock as far as I understand. The cylinder where my keys were inserted had screwed up and messed up the resistor chips on my keys. Had to have two new keys made and the key ignition lock replaced. It cost me $397 at the dealership. p.s. When your resistor chips on your keys arent being read by the cylinder correctly (like if there wet or damaged) the security system shuts down the starter and fuel systems for three minutes.
Ignition keys have changed over the years. You can no longer go to the hardware store and get spare keys made. New vehicles require computer chips inside the key before the vehicle will start. These must be purchased at the dealership. The cost for these keys may range from $75 up to $125 per key.
Remote start system
Yes, you must turn on the ignition.
when my dad lost his keys to the van he alwyas used a screwdriver and now that he has his keys back his ignition isn't tore up i mean yeh it has some scratches and stuff on it but that's it, you will still be able to start it once you have the keys again.
it sounds like you have a faulty ignition barrel
Depending on the year, from the early 90's on they are extremely difficult due to the Passkey system GM started using (keys with resistor chips in them) that makes it difficult to steal by requiring the properly coded key to be inserted before the engine will start. For most vehicles you need to start by removing the cover on the steering column. Sorry I cannot be of more help.
Lost ignition keys for newer vehicles can be obtained from the vehicle dealership. Lost keys for a 1978 Honda Accord will require the replacement of the ignition.
I'm not a mechanic / technician but I believe that was the ( 1999 model year of the Ford Expedition )