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Discovery channel has a program that answers this and it is scary. Things that require a daily timer or maintenance of some sort would go bad. Gates with electric locks would open and let out what ever is behind the gate from a dog to a lion. Gas valves would or could blow up. Anything that used electricity in some way would have a problem. On a local level people can live without electricity. It was done for centuries. Candles, gas lamps, oil lamps, and a fireplace can give light. The fireplace also can be used for cooking and heat. To keep things cold ice would have to be brought in everyday. It is possible to live without electricity.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Without electric lighting, the world would be relatively dark at night (candles don't do nearly as good a job of illumination). And virtually everything that human beings do would become more difficult (and not just because of the darkness). Electrical devices make almost everything easier.
if we didnt have electricity there would still be war and fights and we would have to use candles

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βˆ™ 13y ago

since the world is full of electronics, when the world ran out of electricity, machines that are dependent to electricity won't work (like computers, TV, etc.),machines that have their own battery won't work too because batteries have electricity (like PSP,Nintendo ds, laptop, etc.), transportation won't work because they have batteries, batteries have electricity (like cars, motorcycles, the subway) back to basic.. the uses of animals for transportation, no high-tech entertainment, no movies, no night life, early bedtime, early mornings.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Pretty much nothing.:

  • Gold is used as the basis of some currencies but this practice is rapidly disappearing.
  • It is used as a conductor in some electronics but other metalwork about as well.
  • Plots of conquer the world movies would have to find some other valuable to corner the market on
  • Red glass for stained glass would be harder to make
  • Kings and queens would have to make crowns out of something different
  • Olympic medals for first place would have to be redesigned
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Having no electricity is like the apocalypse. We use electricity for everything, so not having it would be like being thrown back into the dark ages.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

as long as there is matter there is energy, and if there was no matter there would be nothing. so there would be nobody to ask such a stupid question.

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