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The Theory of Plate Tectonics, Continental Drift states that there were previously Gondwana and Laurasia as named.

The two continents eventually merged to the single mass, Pangaea, and then broke apart after coming together in subduction, to expand and "Drift"

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Q: What was there before Pangaea?
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What does a pangaea look like?

Go to google and search Pangaea

What does computer modeling show about the breakup of Pangaea?

It shows that Pangaea was a long continent that crossed the equator. Asia & North America then split from the other continent. Antarctica split off the rest.

What is the Pangaea theory?

The Pangaea theory is one that states that all present continents were once together and collectively known as a 'supercontinent' called a Pangaea. The word 'Pangaea' means 'all lands' in Greek, accurately defining the way the continents were 200 millions years ago before it split up. These split-up pieces drifted slowly apart and became the way they are today. Even until now, the shape of the Earth surface is still changing, and it will be forever, as long as the mantle underneath the Earth's crust gets heated and convection currents in the magma keeps dragging the plates.The Pangaea theory was treated with much skepticsm when it was first raised. But since then, there have been much evidence to support this theory.The Pangaea theory is the theory that once all the continents consisted of one large super-continent called Pangaea and that there was one massive ocean called the Panthalassa Ocean.

Pangaea was in existence and invertebrates and amphibians were common?

When Pangaea was in existence, the main animals were reptiles and amphibians. During this time, birds developed also.

Were all continents one landmass?

Yes, they were. The combination of the continents was called Pangaea.

Related questions

Who or what lived on Pangaea?

No. Pangaea broke up long before humans evolved.

What is a mega continent before Pangaea?

A mega continent before Pangaea was called Rodinia. It was formed around 1.3 billion years ago and existed before breaking apart and eventually leading to the formation of Pangaea.

What was before pangaea?

Pannotia was the name of the supercontinent before Pangia.

What is the name of the super-continent?

Pangaea don't no

What was the land mass called before the continents split?

The land mass was called Pangaea before the continents split into the continents we know today. Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed about 335 million years ago.

Was Pangaea created in 1912?

According to theory Pangaea existed before all the continents separated, a long time before 1912, it was about 200 million years ago.

What was the name of the single landmass?

The single landmass that existed before breaking apart into the continents we have today is known as Pangaea.

Were there people living on earth when pangaea was around?

No people were not around when Pangaea was. The time of Pangaea was before the time of the dinosaurs (they came in the Jurasic era) and we are supposed to have evoled from some types of dinosuars.

Where do you think will the Philippines be in pangaea?

If Pangaea were to reform, the Philippines would likely be situated near the western side of the supercontinent, as it was originally part of the eastern margin of Pangaea before the continents separated.

Was Pangaea formed when Jesus was still alive?

No, Pangaea was formed around 300 million years ago, long before Jesus was alive around 2,000 years ago. Pangaea was the supercontinent that eventually broke apart into the continents we know today.

What was the theory of the continents before people lived on earth?

the world was first known as a pangaea. pangaea is also called "all land"

What was being discussed before the pangaea theory?

my pusssy you feak