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Motormouth on VH1.

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Q: What was the show that caught people singing in their car?
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What do you get if you were caught speeding?

You stay in the car, be polite, don't argue with the officer, show respect, and produce your license and registration.

What is the name of that show where they videotape you singing in the car and you don't know it?

Candid Camera is the only one I could think of! I hope that helps!

Is it likely that people who speed will be caught?

If there is a police station or police car nearby, most likely yes.

Have you ever been caught driving drunk in the car"?

No, I have never been caught driving drunk in a car.

What happens if you get caught under age without a license and you have people in the car?

For you, the same thing as if you didn't have people in the car. The officer will check to see if anyone else in the car is able to drive, if not, probably offer to call someone to pick them up.

Does anyone remember a car dealer TV commercial in southern CA from around 1990 that had a really funny voice singing hey in the background?

yea once I was watching this car show and this man came out of no where and was laughing like a girl and he name was John Cardigan I thought it was so weird but like I said people these days

What song is on the mitubisha car commercial from several years ago with all the people riding and singing together?

Magic Carpet Ride -- Steppenwolf

What is the Mcdonalds commercial song where the three girls are singing at the back of the car then the mom starts singing one of the words I caught was Hey Ya?

Did you see the movie "Shrek"? Because I'm pretty sure the song you are talking about goes something like this: "Hey yah, your a rockstar, get your show on, get paid!" Plz don't criticize, I know that is not the exact words. And, um, it's called "all star" by smash mouth. Look it up on youtube or something, just to make sure

Is singing or humming a melody?

The question you are asking is the same as a question like: Is building a house? or Is driving a car? You can built a house, you can drive a car and you can surely sing or hum a melody! Is singing or humming a melody, the act itself is not! But depending on what you are humming or what you are singing, the part that comes out of your mouth can be a melody...

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Studies show that 73% of all people killed in car accidents are male.